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The power of gratitude

Writer's picture: Alexandra Alexandra

Founder of The Mindful Moment, Dr. Alexandra Domelle explains how appreciating every moment transforms your life

“Open your heart to gratitude and witness the abundance, love and blessings that follow.” - Alexandra Domelle

Earlier we discussed how letting go of your past makes you happier, before looking at the art of allowing and the importance of forgiving others as well as forgiving yourself.

As you let go, as you allow, as you forgive, you begin to notice something:

Colours are brighter.

Sounds are sweeter.

There is beauty, love and kindness everywhere.

Truth is, the world is the same as it was yesterday.

It is only your perspective that has shifted. You have shifted. #SoulShift

You have shifted from seeking to seeing.

And in this shift, the world is bathed anew.

Anew with possibilities.

Anew with opportunities.

Anew with life.

A deep and profound sense of gratitude fills your entire being.

As you gaze within and around, you suddenly realise there is so much to be grateful for.

Every moment is one of beauty and wonder.

Every moment is one of #ProfoundGratitude.

Gratitude for All-That-Is.

Gratitude for All-That-Isn’t.

Wondering what that last statement means?

As you shift from seeking to seeing, as you shift from surrender to gratitude, you have begun to realise the lessons life is teaching you. #LifeIsYourGreatestTeacher

You have learnt what pain is.

You have learnt what despair is.

You have learnt what doubt is.

Each life lesson has been vital for you to experience All-That-Is and All-That-Isn’t.

Consider for a moment:

If you had not experienced pain, you would not know #pleasure.

If you had not experienced indifference, you would not know #empathy.

If you had not experienced coldness, you would not know #compassion.

If you had not experienced sorrow, you would not know #joy.

If you had not experienced despair, you would not know #hope.

If you had not experienced doubt, you would not know #faith.

If you had not experienced hatred, you would not know #love.

If you had not experienced lies, you would not know #truth.

If you had not experienced loss, you would not know how precious Life is. #TheMindfulMoment

Thank every person and every situation that has taught you these lessons.

The experiences you have had thus far in this lifetime, you chose them.

You chose them through your thoughts.

You chose them through your words.

You chose them through your deeds.

You chose them for the lessons they taught you. #LawOfAttraction

Yes, each and every one of them has taught you something.

Now, with this shift from seeking to seeing, with this change in perspective, with profound gratitude, you see yourself differently. #SoulShift

You see others differently.

You see situations differently.

You see the truth.

The truth of this moment.

This present.

For this is All-There-Is.

This moment.




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